Regular Events for Parishioners
Events at the Diocesan Shrine of Divine Mercy, Morriston, Swansea

Regular events are held at the Diocesan Shrine of Divine Mercy. These will typically include Holy Mass, Confession, Adoration, Divine Mercy Prayer, Talk, Prayer, Procession. These events are advertised on our website.
In September 2018 during the National Eucharistic Congress at Liverpool entitled "Adoremus", I met with a group of priests belonging to a new religious congregation Missionaries of the Eucharist. Their community preaches parish missions to promote and establish prolonged and perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We exchanged details and during Lent 2019 Fr Gary came for the weekend to speak at the 5 Sunday masses about the importance and beauty and blessing of Eucharistic Adoration. Parishioners were able to receive an invitation to pledge 1 hour a week for adoration. Over the weekend Fr Gary also met and led a holy hour with our First Holy Communion children and another hour for our confirmation group. On the Sunday evening after Mass there was a further talk for those interested in his "To Adore" and the evening ended with a time of Adoration and Benediction. There was a great interest and take up within the parish and on the feast of St John the Baptist we began Adoration from 6 am - 10 pm Monday to Friday. It is hoped that eventually adoration on a Thursday can continue through the night into Friday.
Presently Adoration takes place in the Mercy Chapel, but due to the popularity and to a number of donations for a new monstrance and Candlesticks and upholstered chairs, we shall be moving to a renovated unused side chapel and have a security system installed in readiness for nocturnal adoration - “nicodemus nights” named after Nicodemus who came at night to the Lord.
Adoration is open to anyone in the diocese and anyone who wishes to make a regular pledge of one hour a week on a specific day can contact me to make arrangements. It is fitting that the Swansea Deanery centre of learning of the Diocese of Menevia School of Evangelisation and Catechetics (DOMSEC) be based at Morriston so that Eucharistic Adoration can be the prayer support and strength for the New Evangelisation and serve as a lasting legacy of the Adoremus Congress.
Canon Jason Jones